As informs, the delegation of doctors from the Children's Hospital. Rut Rapappap, who entered the medical center "Rambam", returned to Tbilisi, where he spent five days in a row with many children suffering from pathologies.
Delegates visited the children 's surgeons, resuscitators and anesthesiologists who, in the last few weeks, attended the small - band surgeon Dr Arkady Vachian, who was born and sprinkled in Tbilisi. Ten years ago he was living in Israel and now he returned to the city to detain the landowners.
Some years ago, the "Rambam" in Haifa initiated a project to upgrade medical care in the East European countries. The project included a children's school in Tbilisi.
In Israel, a group of Israeli doctors are visiting Georgia twice a year and are hoping to help with the treatment of local medicine. The Israeli colleagues of the Israeli colleagues drown out the problematic patients from the city.
The Israeli doctors would each personally look at each other and give more detail to the observation. Subsequently, two operations are operatively operated.
During the visit, the Israeli doctors are also taking part in the proliferation of terrorist attacks and checking their condition. The ties with the young men and the armies are supported and traversed by Israeli trains in Tbilisi.
Officer or grandparents do not care if they can not afford to get medical care.