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The German fighters are coming to the land of Israel

This is the story of a Israeli puppy, which is about 100 years old, with the arrival of German armies.
This summer, the Air Force Bavarian Air Force Air Force (Negevwüste), to create the first aerial photographs of Palestinians. And now 125 German soldiers are involved in two-day maneuvers in each of these 100 airline operations, where terrorist attacks and air strikes are carried out with airplanes.
Maneuvering is very good for the Bundeswehr to be very sophisticated, so how can it be possible to fly to the horse globe and quickly, in the gust of the Germans. The military occupation of Germany and Israel is not new. In Germany, the German pilots are bombed by the helicopters and helicopters. Only in 2017 there were two joint projects with 2017 army, 20 of which were military-friendly cylinders.
The "Blue Flag 2017" is a voluntary maneuver that is a part of the world, and many of them have been added or transmitted by their observers. The only thing that has to be done is to demonstrate that Israel, which ignores the critique of its political establishment, can not be isolated from the state, and promotes the creation of new strategic alliances in the face of corruption: radical Islam in all parts of the world.

16:43 13.11.2017