Az Iw En Ru

Israeli police received a water cannon with a laser sight

At the enterprise, located in the kibbutz Beit Alpha, a ceremony was held in honor of the introduction of the sixth-generation water-meter into service with the police.
The ceremony was attended by the staff of the operational department, headed by Major-General Alon Levavi.
As the press service of the police notes, the water cannon is one of the most widespread means of dispelling demonstrations of non-lethal impact in the world. It is installed on an armored vehicle equipped with additional means of protection.
The grille protecting the windshield is for the first time equipped with an electric drive. From the front the machine is equipped with a blade, like a bulldozer. It allows you to remove the water cannon built on the way.
The gun is equipped with a laser sight, providing the most accurate guidance, and a special camera will identify the participants of the riots from a distance of 200 meters. Water can also be used to extinguish fires.
"The police also checks other non-lethal means, designed to reduce the number of victims in the dispersal of demonstrations. However, a water cannon is one of the most effective such means. He will protect those who protect the law, "said General Levi.
In the coming days, a new means of struggle will go to the Northern Police District. In total, the police have 14 water cannons scattered throughout Israel.




00:16 04.08.2017