Az Iw En Ru

I live in a wonderful country ..

In a country that, after all the Arab-spring revolutions, not just did not introduce troops, but even refrained from commenting: yes, they are our enemies, they hate us and frankly dream of destroying, but let them deal with their own affairs. And we will follow, analyze and will, accordingly, be ready for possible turns.

In a country that has never given a single state of the world advice, recommendations and directions. Whereas, on the contrary, the whole world from the most important president to the last blog hamster knows and is always ready to tell what my country should do and what should not.

My country lives on an eternal volcano, with the eternal threat of military action, and at the same time manages to remain one of the safest countries in the world. And that's all she wants - to raise her children safely and calmly.

Children in my country are the main object of worship, worship and deification. In a typical secular family, four children are just below the average number. About the religious really do not say anything.

In my country, most of the media belong to the opposition (not materially owned, but ideologically). And fry these media on the government and the premiere - just scratch your head. And that opposition for many years has persistently tried to find at least some compromising material on the current prime minister - the earth is being digged, the forces are spending nemeryannye. And their work was crowned with success - they found some scandalous facts - for example, that the premier's wife expelled the housekeeper and that the prime minister himself once flew to the conference on a too large plane ...

But the president was still imprisoned. He already seduced three or even four employees. The criminal case was brought when he was still president. Well, he, of course, retired immediately, and him in jail. The people, of course, were very indignant with such presidential lawlessness, but some malicious people still could not resist the phrase "the president better fucking than fucked" (in Hebrew it sounds better) ...

In my country, crowds of demonstrators constantly go out to various gatherings and loudly protest. This is especially true for students during the summer holidays: they organize a protest camp in the middle of the city, play guitars, drink beer and paint beautiful posters with the demand of everything, many, at once and for free, and still let go of all laws and replace them. And in fact to any policeman even it is close to a head will not approach to somebody from them to touch ...

In my country, a hundred thousand shortcomings and problems, and the government makes a stupid mistake. Then he apologizes and tries to fix it. Or does not apologize and does not try - and then quickly goes to a well-deserved rest, and early elections are announced. His four-year term in recent years, no one has never served time, it seems. Although I can make mistakes, correct ...

In my country, the people are divided into dozens of different signs and facets - secular and religious, right and left, Ashkenazi and Sephardi. Everyone is constantly arguing, swearing hoarse, accusing the opponent of all mortal sins and voicing five of fifty opinions. But when, God forbid, anything happens - everything is forgotten at once.

During the Second Lebanon, I received dozens of invitations from completely strangers - to come all the family to the south, to safe areas. And when there was Lead Lead, we were already ready to accept southerners for any necessary time ...

And on weekends people go out on the embankment to dance. Just dance - so, for the mood. All.

Back in my country, twice a year, a siren sounds in memory of the victims of the Holocaust and the Israeli wars for independence. And then the whole country freezes for these two minutes. On the highways all cars stop, people go out and stand with their heads down. In markets, shops, at work, even if the person is at home alone - everyone gets up and freezes.

Frozen teenagers stop in the middle of their crazy entertainment. Those who come out for a walk from the kindergarten of the four-year period stop whining, screaming, picking toys from each other and freezing, dropping hunks of all shades and standing quietly. Who has not seen this, it is very difficult to imagine.

My country is not simple, noisy, hot, loud. Clever and angry. Naive and patient. Fearless, but cautious. One of the smallest and greatest countries on the planet. One of the most ancient and newest states. This is my country. I love it, a sinful business.

00:54 03.08.2017