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Rivlin promised to return to Israel Abraham Mengistu

President Reuven Rivlin met in his residence with the mother of Abraham (Awra) Mengistu, an immigrant from Ethiopia, who is imprisoned by Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.
During the meeting, as reported by the Kipa portal, President Rivlin underscored the commitment of the State of Israel to the task of bringing the prisoner home.
"Avra is a son for all of us, I will do my best to have him back home, his place in his own family, where he will be taken care of," said Rivlin
During the conversation, the captive's mother, Agranash, spoke about her problems related to the uncertainty of her son's fate.
"I try to force myself to work and lead a normal life, but this is a big problem. Three years of uncertainty - it's a lot, I do not have peace of mind either day or night, "Agranash told Mengistu.
The mother of the captive Hamas thanked the president for the meeting and his willingness to help.
"I hope for you, thank you for feeling responsible for the fate of my son - just like Prime Minister Netanyahu.
We highly appreciate your attention and the fact that you took the time, on the eve of the 9th Av, the day of the destruction of the Temples of the house, to meet with me and again to hear the story of Avra. We all live in the hope of hearing good news, "said Agranash Mengistu.

23:18 01.08.2017