Az Iw En Ru

Attorney Sheftel apologized to Eisenkot

Lawyer Joram Sheftel, who defends Elior Azaria, brought an apology to the chief of the General Staff Gadi Aizenkot on July 31 in the radio program of the channel "Radio without interruption" for his insulting words addressed to him.

Last Thursday Sheftel called Eysencot "a scoundrel, a small official from the municipal sewer department." This statement caused a flurry of reactions in political circles in Israel. This is reported by Arutz-7.

"On the last Thursday in a radio program, talking to the listener, I called the chief of the general staff a scoundrel. I ask you to clarify the situation. I withdraw my words about him, back, "Sheftel published this statement after the director of the radio" without borders "pointed out to him the unworthiness of such behavior.

"My intention was to criticize the chief of the general staff in connection with the events on the Temple Mount ... I beg your pardon. On the eve of the Ninth Ava- there is no time better than this - to bring the words of apology. "

03:39 01.08.2017