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The Parliament of Israel unanimously passed a law on the celebration of the Victory Day on May 9

Israeli Parliament at the next plenary session unanimously approved the final reading of the law on May 9, according to which from now on Victory Day in World War II will be officially celebrated in the country on May 9 at the state level, and it will make the registry public holiday.
Among the key provisions of the bill adopted: time allocation schedules in schools and army units in the study of the theme of victory over fascism, the allocation of funds to local authorities to work to perpetuate the memory of the victory.
From now on, according to the law, on May 9, Israel will be celebrated with a ceremonial Knesset meeting, a state ceremony by the local government and a procession in Jerusalem.
Victory Day, the Israelis celebrate much more "mandatory minimum", which is prescribed in the document, but for the first time this tradition was fixed by a separate law.
The celebration of the Victory Day on May 9 corresponds to the traditions of the former USSR and differs from the practice of Western countries, where the defeat of Nazi Germany is celebrated on May 8.
In schools of the religious sector in Israel, it is possible at the decision of the Ministry of Education to hold solemn events on the Jewish calendar - on the 26th day of the month of Iyar.
26 Iyara is a new holiday in honor of the victory over fascism, introduced into the Jewish religious calendar on the initiative of the president of the Fund of Mountain Jews STMEGI Herman Zakharyaev. May 9, 1945 on the Jewish calendar - 26 Iyara, 5705 year. This "Jewish Day of Victory", which, in all the synagogues of the world lifted up prayers of thanksgiving in honor of the Red Army soldiers who saved the Jewish people from annihilation by the Nazis.
This year, the 26th day of the Jewish month of Iyar fell on May 22. On this occasion, in Moscow, representatives of the Jewish community laid wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden and the Moscow Choral Synagogue on the eve of the evening on May 21, hundreds of worshipers gathered at the main prayer in praise of freedom fighters who defeated Nazism.
In Russia, the Day of Salvation and Liberation (international holiday celebrated on the Jewish calendar in honor of the victory over fascism) entered in the register of the Jewish holidays and commemorative days: from 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin sends a congratulatory message to the Jewish communities of that date.
For the first time the idea to celebrate the Victory Day on May 9 on the Jewish chronology appeared in 2013, and it was widely celebrated beginning in 2015 - the 70th anniversary of the Victory. The date of the holiday was chosen 26 Iyaras: in 1945 this day coincided with May 9, when the surrender of the Third Reich was signed.
The Declaration of Importance of 26 Iyaras was adopted by the Conference of European Rabbis, the largest Jewish religious organization in Europe. In the same place, the order of prayers that were read on the Day of Salvation and Liberation was compiled: these were memorial prayers for the souls of the dead and prayers of thanks for salvation.

06:33 28.07.2017