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The city of David opened new evidence for scientists about the period of destruction of the First Temple

In the Jerusalem City of David found the archeological artifacts of the destruction of the First Jerusalem Temple - about 2500 years ago.
It is noteworthy that the find was discovered a week before the 9th Avaliable Date in the history of the Jewish people, when the First and Second Temples were destroyed.
We are talking about fragments of masonry walls, charred trees, fragments of ceramic products - dishes and jugs, fish bones and even grape bones. There are more significant findings, including a miniature statuette of a woman made of ivory.
The findings confirm that the Jews lived not only within, but also outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, constantly expanding the boundaries of the settlement.
King Solomon (970-930 BC) began the construction of the Temple in the fourth year of his reign. According to the most common hypothesis, the construction of the Temple began in 966 BC. E., On the other - in 964 BC. And lasted 7 years.
From the time of the Prophet Micah (the beginning of the 8th century BC), the prophets did not cease to warn that the Temple would be destroyed as a punishment for moral and religious sins. The destruction of the Temple and the ensuing Babylonian captivity confirmed these prophecies.
In July 586 BC. After the next uprising of Judea, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II seized and destroyed Jerusalem, destroying the First Temple. The Babylonians withdrew a large number of prisoners from the country, amounting to about a tenth of the total population of the country.
Among the captives was the king of Judah Tsidkiyaga, who tried to flee. The Jewish statehood was destroyed, and for Jews a great captivity began, which lasted almost 70 years.

06:34 27.07.2017