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Katz explained the essence of his law on Jerusalem

Minister of Transport and Intelligence Israel Katz welcomed the July 26 decision of the head of government Benjamin Netanyahu to support the bill on Jerusalem (Greater Jerusalem).

This law, initiated by Israel Katz, should strengthen the status of Jerusalem as the single and indivisible capital of Israel. The document was submitted to the Knesset for a while back at the request of Israel Kats on behalf of MP Jova Kish (Likud). It should be noted that Israeli law allows the minister to submit bills only in the sphere of the department headed by him.

As explained by Minister Yisrael Katz, the law will extend Israeli jurisdiction to the settlements of Greater Jerusalem: Maale Adumim, Givat Zeev, Beitar-Ilit, Efrat and other Gush Etzion settlements, with a total population of about 150,000 Israeli citizens. They will be annexed to the capital as part of Greater Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. "So we will expand the borders of Jerusalem and strengthen the status of the city, strengthening the Jewish majority here," the minister said.

Katz reported on the evening of July 26 that he intends to make every effort to speedily move the bill forward, and hopes to catch up to the next municipal elections.

"According to the bill, the municipal independence of each of the local authorities will be preserved. People living in settlements that fall under the jurisdiction of Jerusalem will have the right to double-vote for deputies to the city council of Greater Jerusalem and to the local self-government body, the minister said.

"These settlements should become part of the metropolis of Greater Jerusalem, like existing models in the world, such as Greater Paris, Greater London," said Israel Katz.

05:30 27.07.2017