Az Iw En Ru

Israeli student wins gold medals at International Tournament

Senior Advisor, Ayalon, Holon, Jonathan Adas won a gold medal at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. 

Israeli students have won more medals in physics than 3 medals, four silver and two bronze medals on mathematics.
All in all, physics and mathematics in the Olympiad are from 115 countries.
Jane Bitman from the Tall-auctioned School of Iron Shops, Dana Zaideman from College of Lodz and Gill Rönen at the University of Jerusalem in Jerusalem.
Johannes Avidan from BenQi to Kiryat-Ono, David Meter's School in Liat Bach in Haifa, Noam Taashimi from Tel-Aviv Shaw Ironi-dotet and Leeam Hanani from School of Irony in Modiine won the Silver Medal at the Mathematics Olympiad. Boaz Guberman's School of De Shalit in Rehovot and Avi Bug from School of Javan won the bronze medal.

05:45 24.07.2017