Az Iw En Ru

The Knesset MPs were forced to order orders by Aliexpress and Ebay

Israeli politicians have been banned from buying goods from popular sites on Aliexpress and Ebay.
The Knesset has been locked in the safety of the Knesset.
There was a volume in the Knesset 's address, as it seemed to everyone, that it was potentially frustrated. Поэтому все отправления проходят тщательную проверку.
The quantity of orders online stores are still great, for the work of the post office work with the work.
Запрет вступит в выпу 31 октября 2017 года. With this date, the parcel will start returning to the address of the carrier. The deputy will not be able to get an internet order on the place of residence.

00:54 23.07.2017