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Netanyahu welcomes Rwandan president to Israel

Israeli PM says both people possess a 'tragic legacy' but have worked to recover from loss

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu and Israeli President Reuven Rivlin welcomed Rwandan President Paul Kagame in Jerusalem on Monday.

Netanyahu said that both peoples possess "a tragic legacy" and that Israel is honored to help Rwanda on its road to reconstruction.  

"And with your courage, you put an end to this and began rebuilding this torn nation, " the Israeli prime minister said.  "We could see the impressive gains that you are making. In fact it is our, one of our deepest pleasures to be able to cooperate with you in rebuilding your state, rebuilding it in agriculture and water and so many other areas, and security as well."

Rwandan president Paul Kagame landed in Tel Aviv Sunday for a low-key two day visit to Israel, consolidating remarkably warm but murky ties between the two countries.

President Kagame was last in Israel in 2013 to celebrate the 90th birthday of then-President Shimon Peres.

In March of this year Kagame - who will run for a third term in office next month after 98% of Rwandans voted to abolish the previous two term limit - praised Israel during a speech at the AIPAC conference in Washington DC, after becoming the first African leader to speak at the pro-Israel event.


"Rwanda is, without question, a friend of Israel," he said. "Israel is a nation that has beat all odds every step of the way, and that is, to put it in a context, looking at the hostile environment, sometimes the unsympathetic international community, Israel continues to be secure, to thrive and it has invested in its people, it has developed one of the best economies."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described Kagame as "my friend" after Rwanda abstained in a Palestinian-engineered Security Council draft resolution to call on Israel to unilaterally withdraw to its 1967 borders.

"We have pledged, I think both our peoples, one simple pledge: 'Never again,'" Netanyahu said Monday. "Never again – We, who witnessed the greatest holocaust in history, you who witnessed perhaps one of the most recent ones, never again. That's another great bond between us. You have been a consistent friend to us."

22:11 10.07.2017