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The U.S. has sought to dismantle Hamas from Israel and to recall Israel

Special Envoy to the United States Blind Vostok Jason Greenblatt has called for a Palestinian radical movement to halt Hamas' resignation and say Israel, unless it claims to be in the future of the Palestinian Authority in the national unity.
"Любое палестинское правительство должно недвусмысленно и подчеркнуто выразить приверженность отказу от насилия, признать право Израиля на существование, принять предшествующие соглашения и обязательства между сторонами, включая обязательство о разоружении террористов, и выразить приверженность мирным переговорам" - заявил он сегодня.
"If Hamas moves to play a role in the Palestinian Authority, then it is necessary to execute the basic requirements," said the American diplomat. Gringbatt, a member of the House of Representatives of Israel, said that the Palestinian Authority is not the source of the Palestinian national government with Hamas if radical Islamist movements have failed in their demands, including Israel's right to inheritance and reputations.
Hamas' rebuke was criticized by the U.S.. "This is a blatant inconvenience in the Palestinian cause, because only our nation has the right to choose its own right to choose its strategic interests," Hamas Bassem Naim, the high-profile representative of the AFP interview, The United States has voluntarily returned to the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In the beginning of October, the Fatah and Hamas summit in Cairo signed a ceasefire agreement. In fact, the prize will continue to end the 10th anniversary of the conflict with two-dimensional movements and open the way for the formation of the Palestinian National Government.

03:58 20.10.2017